Products There are 134 products.

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Showing 127 - 134 of 134 items
  • Jasmin pot 16-19 pyramide H80/106

  • Sunflower pot 14 and pot 14 Extra

  • Citrus mix: Citrus, Orange, Mandarine, Clementine, Kumquat, Chinotto, Purscha, Buddha Hand, Calamondine, Ceder, Pamplemousse, Bergamotte, Clemkumquat Obovata, Limequat, Citrus red pot 18 H60/70, bush, espallier, pyramide pot 20 H70/90, bush, column, espallier pot 22 H70/90, bush, stem pot 24 H120 stem pot 28 H130 stem pot 35 H160 stem, pyramide pot 42...

  • Olive tree pot 14-16 H30 Olive tree pot 18 - H 40 bonsai - H80/90 stem Olive tree pot 20 - H40/50 bonsai - H80/90 stem Olive tree pot 22 - H100/110 e H 140/160 stem - H40/50 bonsai Olive tree pot 26 H 170/180 stem Olive tree pot 35 H 190/210 stem Olive tree pot 50 H200 stem Olive tree pot 60 H220/240 stem Olive tree pot 70 H220/240 stem

Showing 127 - 134 of 134 items